EarthWise Vet Services

Triage Basic

Triage Basic

Teletriage - Allows a licensed veterinarian to provide safe management and assessment of an animal patient's need via chat or video to determine whether an immediate referral to a local veterinarian is necessary.

Teleadvice - General advice and guidance provided by a licensed veterinarian or Certified Pet Dietitian via chat or video (NOTE: Teleadvice is not intended to diagnose, prognose, or treat a specific pet's condition).

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Emergency Vet

Emergency Vet

Emergency Vet Fund - Gives owners peace of mind knowing that up to $1,500 worth of their pet's life-threatening bills will be paid directly to their provider. Emergency Vet includes Triage Basic package.

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Video Library

Video Library

COMING SOON - 50+ informational videos created and produced by Licensed Veterinarians and Certified Pet Dietitians on topics such as nutrition, common ailments, and pet care.

Included with Any Package

About us

We are so excited to announce the launch of EarthWise Vet, a division of the FURCLUB membership network! We are a Vet Teletriage and Vet Teleadvice service that provides pet owners with quality veterinary consultation services from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Access our network of licensed veterinarians 24/7 from anywhere in the United States.

All of our veterinarians are highly trained and experienced and passionate about your pets. We are committed to providing a safe, convenient, and cost-effective way for pet owners to get the immediate triage and advice they need, so that their beloved pets are given the best care possible.

EarthWise Vet is the perfect solution for pet owners who live in urban, suburban, and rural areas alike.  If you want to save on costly triage visits, if you have limited access to veterinary services in your area, or if you just don't have the time to go to the vet for immediate general advice, EarthWise Vet may be your solution.

Our veterinarians tailor their meetings to meet the needs of each individual pet owner, and they are always available at the click of a button to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for your pet and look forward to serving you and your furry family members soon!